Шаккуф А., Сулиман А. (науч. рук. Громов В.С.) Cascade approach to estimate dynamic parameters
One of the main steps to control robots is to study the dynamical system of that robot and to analysis it. Moreover, it is essential to relate each change in the mathematical model with a physical change in the robot while it functions. In this research we study and analyze the dynamic model of manipulator UR10
Шаккуф А., Сулиман А. (науч. рук. Громов В.С.) Cascade approach to estimate dynamic parameters // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, [2022]. URL: https://kmu.itmo.ru/digests/article/8581