Личный кабинет


Хилал Ш., Исмагилов А.О., Цыпкин А.Н. (науч. рук. Мельник М.В.) Plasma Experimental Investigations to Analyze the Liquid-based THz Emission Mechanism
УДК тезиса: 533.9

Sources of THz radiation generation in the filamentation of different liquids jet are given special consideration. Since the generation of THz waves in this situation exhibits a variety of characteristics, it is crucial to analyze the plasma density while using different experimental scheme geometries. The optical properties of plasma formed during filamentation in various liquid jets using double-pulse excitation were studied. The reflections of the third-harmonic (TH) radiation have been investigated. The obtained results show the dependence of third-harmonic reflection intensity on the time delay between pulses and the angle of incidence of pump radiation; moreover, the generated TH radiation is a result of plasma formation during filamentation in the air before the liquid jet plane.


Хилал Ширин

Исмагилов Азат Олфатович

Цыпкин Антон Николаевич


Мельник Максим Владимирович

Хилал Ш., Исмагилов А.О., Цыпкин А.Н. (науч. рук. Мельник М.В.) Plasma Experimental Investigations to Analyze the Liquid-based THz Emission Mechanism // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, [2023]. URL: https://kmu.itmo.ru/digests/article/9728