Моор Я.Д., Варжель С.В., Куликова В.А., Козлова А.И. (науч. рук. Пирогова Н.Г.) Literature review of fiber-optic systems for vehicle weight-in-motion measuring
When studying scientific literature, knowledge of English is extremely important since advanced foreign technologies can only be studied by knowing the language. For example, a system for measuring the weight of a vehicle in motion will make it possible to weigh vehicles on the go. The scheme of operation of the system will be implemented using fiber Bragg gratings. An analogue of such a system is already presented on the EU market, but for Russia this topic of work is extremely relevant. Now I live in Denmark, and I can communicate with leading physics professors, but for this I need to know English! I am sure that English is a means of communication in scientific and professional activities.
Моор Я.Д., Варжель С.В., Куликова В.А., Козлова А.И. (науч. рук. Пирогова Н.Г.) Literature review of fiber-optic systems for vehicle weight-in-motion measuring // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, [2022]. URL: https://kmu.itmo.ru/digests/article/8879