In this paper, a concept of piezo-responsive hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks based on vanillin–functionalized barbiturates was developed The compounds under study, vanillin-barbiturate and ethylvanillin-barbiturate, were analyzed using optical microscopy, PFM methods, it was shown that the piezoelectric response of the vanillin moiety changes markedly with an increase in the length of the ether substituent
Небалуева А.С., Муравьев А.А. (науч. рук. Скорб Е.В.) PIEZO-RESPONSIVE DROP-CAST VANILLIN–BARBITURATE NANOFILMS // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, [2022]. URL: