In many large cities, the management system for disposing of construction and demolition waste often faces significant challenges. A common practice involves sending a substantial portion of this waste to landfills for burial, leading to environmental concerns and inefficiencies in resource utilization. However, a promising solution to address this issue lies in the accurate prediction of waste generation for future repurposing and recycling efforts. By implementing effective waste forecasting strategies, cities can move towards a more sustainable and efficient waste management approach, optimizing resources and reducing the burden on landfills[1].To prepare data for further forecasting of demolition waste, data for the city of St. Petersburg were used.
Губайдуллина Д.В. (науч. рук. Сергиенко О.И.) PREPARATION OF DATA FOR FORECASTING THE FORMATION OF DEMOLITION WASTE IN ST. PETERSBURG // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, [2024]. URL: