Agriculture in Siberia and the Russian Far East faces unique challenges due to diverse climates and socio-economic landscapes. In Yakutia, vegetable intake is below WHO recommendations, primarily because vegetables are hard to grow year-round. To address this, we propose a scalable, autonomous, and wirelessly monitored agricultural system for year-round cultivation of leafy greens such as spinach. The system ensures thermal insulation and the maintenance of a constant internal temperature. Sensors and a microcontroller-based system enable autonomy, and control of temperature, humidity, nutrient levels, and light intensity. Long-range wireless communication is also used to facilitate remote adjustments.
Баруа С., Чаттерджи С. (науч. рук. Яковченко Н.В.) DESIGN OF AN AUTOMATED AND WIRELESSLY CONTROLLED AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM FOR SIBERIAN REGIONS // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, [2024]. URL: