In spite of the tremendous development in Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Nucleic Acid Design, recognition of double-stranded (ds) DNA by hybridization probes under physiological salt and pH conditions remains an ongoing challenge up to this date. The discovery of CRISPR/Cas pioneered the field of dsDNA recognition and swiftly shifted the spotlight off hybridization probes. However, developing a state-of-art approach of hybridization probes for dsDNA recognition is still a long-standing goal. We aim to develop a protein-free oligonucleotides-based constructions that recognize dsDNA. Such constrcutions may have benefits over CRISPR/cas system including affordability, chemical stability and simplified intracellular delivery.
Атие М. (науч. рук. Рубель М.С.) DEVELOPMENT OF FLUORESCENT HYBRIDIZATION PROBES FOR HIGHLY SELECTIVE DETECTION OF DOUBLE STRANDED DNA ANALYTES AT 37oC AND ROOM TEMPERATURE // Сборник тезисов докладов конгресса молодых ученых. Электронное издание. – СПб: Университет ИТМО, [2023]. URL: